Nearly everyone has been in a situation where they they thought they knew exactly what the customer wanted and delivered the “perfect” product only to find that they you were just a little off of the target. If only a few more questions had been asked to gain just a bit more insight into the cus… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
The key to hiring the right people for a documentation project is to thoroughly understand the task at hand before asking your HR department to hire. Since documentation projects can require various types of backgrounds, differing levels of experience, and knowledge of different authoring tools, it … Read More »Posted on by wpengine
This newsletter focuses on the importance of maintaining the documentation milestones and schedules for developers of hardware and software systems or products. Lets first briefly discuss a few basic principles for establishing documentation milestones with respect to the system’s development.
… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
Every project leader knows that most projects are wrought with unexpected twists and turns. Unexpected “fires” that often catch the most experienced manager unprepared and can keep the most ambitious manager from accomplishing his daily planned tasks. Since many of our reader’s projects h… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
Instead of sending your technical documentation staff to school, why not bring the instructor to them? Working with a documentation consultant that is willing to share his experience and expertise with your project team will considerably upgrade the talent and productivity of your documentation team… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
If you’ve read the previous newsletters, you now know the following: We thoroughly understand the task at hand. We’ve hired the right people. We’ve identified a Documentation Consultant to help us over the rough spots. And we’ve established our budgeting and schedule. NOW LET’S WRI… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
MadCap Flare Trial and Tutorial Review
The Flare Tutorial is an 88-page PDF file with step-by-step instructions on using MadCap Flare. Creating a project called “San Diego”, using a pre-existing template, is fairly easy. That is covered in the first 19 pages. Once you have created a project, … Read More »Posted on by wpengine
Flexibility of Formats
While technical writing documents, and content can be written using many different tools which produce many different formats, MadCap Flare permits the flexibility of being able to publish content in a large variety of formats including HTML5, WebHelp, PDF, Word, XHTML, EPUB,… Read More »Posted on by wpengine
I was relaxing at home one evening, watching one of my favorite travel channels. I admit it. I live vicariously through other people’s travel adventures. The featured trip was a river cruise in Portugal. The most I knew about Portugal was that it’s native language is Portuguese, and that … Read More »Posted on by wpengine
What should a Program Manager look for in a technical writer? There are many writers that write well, but do not qualify as technical writers. Technical writers have the ability to research many subjects related to technologies and business, finding answers to complex problems, even if the problems … Read More »