Request for Quote (RFQ) Form

Welcome to MSD’s Documentation Requirement submission form where you can submit a Request For Quote (RFQ) for documentation requirements.

If you have a question or comment about MSD – our website, technical writers for hire, or the tech writing business in general – we would love to hear from you on social media, by email or by phone. Visit our contact page for details.

– Dave Jordan, President

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    Company Information

    Company Name*

    Company Point of Contact*

    Company/POC Phone*

    Company/POC Email*

    Company Address*




    Company Website*

    RFQ Details

    Select ONE:

    We need a Technical Writer to work with us.We would like to have a particular technical document developed.Apply to Join Our Contract Vehicle as a Vendor.

    Please give a brief synopsis of the task:

    Job Opportunity #1

    Work Location of Opportunity:

    Anticipated Start Date:

    Task Duration


    Years of Experience:

    Additional Comments:

    Candidate Education

    Preferred Education:

    Preferred Field or Discipline:

    Security Clearance

    Security Clearance:

    Clearance Level:


    Granting Agency:

    Job Opportunity #2

    Work Location of Opportunity:

    Anticipated Start Date:

    Task Duration


    Years of Experience:

    Additional Comments:

    Candidate Education

    Preferred Education:

    Preferred Field or Discipline:

    Security Clearance

    Security Clearance:

    Clearance Level:


    Granting Agency:

    Please send me MSD's Capabilities Statement via Email at the address provided.

    We would like to schedule a Documentation Review with MSD's Documentation Consultant, the DocuDr®

    Please call me to discuss our technical documentation requirements.

    I would like to receive a DocuDr® bobblehead that will be hand-delivered at our first meeting or at contract signing.


    I understand that my submission of this form indicates my preliminary interest in obtaining the services of a MSD Technical Writer on a subcontract basis. If MSD, presents to me and my organization a qualified candidate to fill a position I have posted, I understand that MSD will make every reasonable attempt to establish a subcontract agreement with my organization prior to hiring the candidate presented. Once a subcontract agreement is established, MSD will make every reasonable attempt to hire the requested candidate, but may substitute other qualified candidates if available and agreed upon by my organization.

    I agree that the information that I have provided on the above Job Submission Form is accurate and that additional details about the job opening may be determined through discussions between my organization and MSD. I also understand that this form will serve as a preliminary contact between my organization and MSD through which we discuss fulfilling my organization's technical documentation requirements.

    I agree to notify MSD of any changes to a posted job opening, including the cancellation or fulfillment of the job opening.

    By selecting the Submit button I agree with the above statements and agree that the information provided in this online form is accurate.